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Friday evening is always anticipated at our house. It means everything stops, the candles are lit, the family is gathered, and we can enjoy each other and time with the LORD on His holy day. The "wine" is always new wine....Welch's purple grape juice, only the best! And for our varies greatly from something home-made to something bakery-made to Pop-tarts when I was short on ideas once :-) Overall, it is a great way to start the Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom to all !!!
Gabriella and Marnina in Mrs. Murray's van, waving good-bye as they head to Berrien Springs for the Union level of competition in the Pathfinder Bible Achievement program. They are quite excited, and looking forward to studying for the entire 7 hour trip !!! My friend Mrs. Murray is quite talented with her frosting bag....Here is a cake she made for Gabriella's birthday that was on Sabbath, the day of the competition. She frosted a Bible text and stick people doing their thing at the clever and fun !! Happy Birthday Gabby :-) The best thing about Gabriella's morning is the fact that Mrs. Murray handed her a box of Life cereal to snack on! This smile is very genuine :-) Gabby loves Life, in more ways than one....
"Mom, got any quarters??? The game in the corner lets you play till you win....." About 3 dollars later they all had 2 Tootsie Rolls each........Yippeeeee !!!!!
Why haven't I seen these before they got to this point??? Can you tell that these are someone's favorite socks ??? I find this funny yet a little disturbing......This is how they came out of the washing machine, so at one point, they were walking around on someone's feet like this!!!! Needless to say they are now in the garbage, but I just HAD to take a picture of them :-)
Vince was able to join us for this ski day. I took this shot from the lift. Todd's taking his shot from the hill, and Vince is catching big air !! Pine Mountain Ski Resort in Iron Mountain, Michigan is tons of fun, and only 5 bucks !!
The Wilson Wolves Pathfinder Club focused on the Old Testament's book of Jeremiah this year. Our club made it to the state level and here they are competing in Battle Creek. One of the most enjoyable activities on the LONG trip down to Battle Creek is 'signing' to the other cars on the freeway. This was my FAVORITE sign !!! HoNk-hOnK !! Just arriving at their hotel....nervous, excited, and very knowledgeable. Our team succeeded in answering 90% or better of the Questions correctly. They now move on to the Union Level !! You guys and gals ROCK.
I won't be able to do this much longer....but it sure is great fun to piggy-back my princess while I still can !!
Last year, we did some remodeling on the living room. This year, we chose to start on the kitchen. It's definitely a long process....Not enough funding to go full speed ahead, but, a little at a time is better than no progress at all !! Francesca is painting the wall white with her mini roller. She loved to help !! Todd is tearing out the old drywall....and Faithful Tootsie is nearby, lending her "calm submissive energy."